
Toasted coconut marshmallow hot chocolate

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15 minutes
10 minutes

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  • 2 x 400 ml coconut milk cans
  • 100 g dark chocolate, roughly chopped
  • 1 vanilla pod, seeded
  • 150 g coconut marshmallows



Heat the coconut milk in a saucepan over a medium heat until just simmering. Add the chocolate and vanilla, stir, and return to a simmer.

Pour the hot chocolate into a large jug.

Place the marshmallows in a large bowl and microwave for 30-second periods, stirring each time, until they become soft. Scoop onto the hot chocolate before serving.

Chef's note: So much more than a hot drink - this is a treat that you mustn't hesitate to serve as dessert.

Abigail Donnelly

Recipe by: Abigail Donnelly

Nothing excites Woolworths TASTE's Food Director quite as much as the challenge of dreaming up recipes with innovative new foods – or the thrill of creating deliciousness on a plate with the humblest of ingredients. With Abi by your side, you’ll be a cooking expert in no time at all.

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