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  • 3 cups wholewheat bread flour 
  • 1 1/2 t baking powder 
  • 1  t bicarb
  • 1 1/2  t  salt 
  • 230 g cold unsalted butter, cut into squares 
  • 1 cup Woolworths Muscovado sugar 
  • 1 cup granulated sugar (brown or white) 
  • 2 large free-range eggs  
  • 2 t vanilla extract 
  • 225 g dark and milk chocolate, roughly chopped OR 200g Woolies’ choc chips (or a mixture of both) 
  • Ingredients aren't specified.



1. Line two baking trays with baking paper, a silicon mat or butter and flour well.  Preheat oven to 175 degrees
2. Sift dry ingredients together (pour the bran back into the bowl)
3. Cream the butter and sugar until just blended
4. Add eggs one at time while mixing the butter and sugar either in a stand-mixer or with a handheld mixer (I would suggest cracking these into a bowl and then slipping each one into the bowl while the mixer is on or risk an eggshell incident. It happened to me.)
5. Use a spatula to scrape down the sides of the bowl. Mix in vanilla extract
6. Add dry ingredients and mix until just incorporated, then add the chopped chocolate/chips to the batter in the mixer. Mix until evenly combined
7. Scrape batter into a floured work surface (and scrape out the bowl with a spatula)
8. Scoop golf-ball sized mounds into the baking sheets allowing a LOT of space between each. They will expand massively! Six per sheet is the most you will fit unless you want a giant rectangle cookie. Trust me.
9. Bake cookies for 16 to 20 mins, depending on your oven. Don’t let them go too dark and remember they will harden as the cool and you still want a chewy centre.  Best eaten warm or on the same day. But will (in theory) keep for up to 3 days in an airtight container.

Cook's note: 'My husband, the Salad Dodger, will swear blind that he doesn’t have a sweet tooth, before finishing three helpings of malva pudding and a bar of fruit & nut. He loves biscuits that are a bit soft and chewy in the middle – so “cookies” in the American sense, but we’re calling them Dad Biscuits anyway. This recipe is a bit of an adaptation from one that originally appeared in Food52’s “Genius” series, which I swear by.
I don’t bake often, so when I do, I want the result to be a) foolproof and b) spectacular. (Minimal washing up helps too. This recipe calls for whole-wheat rather than white flour which makes me feel better about giving these to the Cherub, which is nonsense obviously, but still.'

Find more biscuit recipes here.

Kate Wilson

Recipe by: Kate Wilson

Kate Wilson is the editor-in-chief of Woolworths TASTE and self-proclaimed food nerd. A veteran of the magazine industry, Kate leads the TASTE team as they create incredible recipes and foodie content for each issue of the magazine.

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