Desserts & Baking

Speculaas cookies

30 minutes, plus 30 minutes’ chilling time
20 minutes

These speculaas cookies are a different take on the traditional Christmas gingerbread house and figures. They can be made up to a week before so you could give them as gifts, or sandwich them with ice cream to serve as a holiday dessert.

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  • 260 g flour
  • 140 g Muscovado sugar
  • 140 g butter, diced
  • 4 T milk
  • 2 t ground cinnamon
  • 1 t ground cloves
  • 1 t ground nutmeg
  • 2 t ground ginger
  • 1⁄2 t salt
  • chocolate, melted, to decorate



1. Preheat the oven to 180oC. Combine all ingredients in an electric mixer until a dough has formed. Shape into a ball and wrap in clingwrap. Chill for 30 minutes.

2. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 5 mm and use cookie cutters to cut out gingerbread men and women. Bake on a tray lined with baking paper for 20 minutes, or until golden brown and crisp. Once cooled, dip the legs and hands into melted chocolate. To make gingerbread houses, double the batch and cut out houses using a ruler.

Abigail Donnelly

Recipe by: Abigail Donnelly

Nothing excites Woolworths TASTE's Food Director quite as much as the challenge of dreaming up recipes with innovative new foods – or the thrill of creating deliciousness on a plate with the humblest of ingredients. With Abi by your side, you’ll be a cooking expert in no time at all.

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    Lois Carol Wessels
    20 December 2021

    Thank you for the recipe for Speculaas – baking to-day!

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