Starters & Light meals

Puffy cheese toasties

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15 minutes
10 minutes

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  • 240 g grated cheese (I used a mix of Emmentaler and mature Cheddar)
  • 3 T Hellmann’s mayonnaise
  • 1 free-range egg
  • 1 t baking powder
  • 4 slices bread (I like low-GI seed wholewheat brown bread)
  • butter, for spreading on your toast



Turn the oven’s grill to high.

Mix the cheese, mayonnaise, egg and baking powder well using a fork.

Toast the bread in a toaster, then butter.

Place a big tablespoon of the cheesy mixture onto each piece of toast and spread evenly. Place under the grill and bake until golden brown and puffy. Eat immediately.

Cook's note: Puffy cheese is similar to Welsh rarebit I suppose, or a croque monsieur, but without the fuss and the ham. Grated cheese, eggs and a dollop of mayonnaise (I grew up in the seventies after all) slathered on slices of bread and popped under the grill for a few minutes until it’s all puffed up and warm and soft inside. Kind of like you feel when you eat it.

This recipe was one of the TASTE team picks from the Jan/Feb 2019 issue. Discover the rest of the top recipe picks here.

Browse more toast recipes here

Sam Woulidge

Recipe by: Sam Woulidge

Cape Town-based writer Sam Woulidge is a regular TASTE columnist, blogger and author of 'Confessions of a Hungry Woman'. Follow her on Twitter @samwoulidge

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    Luisa Combrink
    13 May 2019

    Absolutely love this recipe. It’s so quick and easy and uses ingredients you almost always have at home. I’ve made this recipe twice for dinner, when I didn’t have much at home and needed a quick dinner fix. The combination of toasted bread, grilled cheese and egg is delicious. The baking powder makes everything grill and rise nicely. I add an extra egg to the recipe, which gives a bit more of an egg cheese combo. Yum!

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    Gordon Knight
    5 March 2019

    As some who also grew up in the 70’s, we used to have this with fish paste on the bread as well. Might sound a bit strange, but I have a real craving for some right now, just from reading the recipe and then writing this!

    1. default
      5 March 2019

      We’re intrigued, Gordon. We’ll definitely give it a try!

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