Starters & Light meals

Prawn, chicken and leek terrine

30 minutes, plus overnight to set
40 minutes
Wine/Spirit Pairing
Rustenberg Stellenbosch Chardonnay 2008

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  • 1½ litres water
  • 2 sprigs thyme
  • 6 peppercorns
  • 3 T fish sauce
  • 1 clove garlic, crushed
  • 12 whole leeks, cleaned
  • 6 chicken breast fillets
  • 3 T gelatine
  • Sea salt, to taste
  • 400 g Ready-to-Eat prawns



Place the water, thyme, peppercorns, lemon peel, fish sauce and garlic in a saucepan and bring to a simmer. Add the leeks and poach for 15 to 20 minutes, or until tender.
Remove from the poaching liquid and add the chicken fillets. Poach for 10 to 12 minutes, or until just cooked but still succulent. Remove the chicken from the poaching liquid and set aside.
Strain the poaching liquid and set aside. Soak the gelatine in 6 T cold water and add to the hot, strained poaching liquid, stirring until all the gelatine is melted. Add a little salt to the liquid, if needed, and allow to cool.
Arrange a layer of prawns on the base of a terrine mould or bread tin, then cover with half the poaching liquid and chill for 30 minutes, or until set.
Layer the chicken breasts and leeks on top of the set mixture and pour over the remaining poaching liquid. Cover with tinfoil and then weigh down with a couple of cans to compress.
Chill overnight to set properly. To serve, unmould the terrine by dipping the container into warm water and turning it out onto a chopping board.
Using a sharp knife dipped into hot water, slice into portions and leave to reach room temperature before serving.

Cook’s note: Serve with crusty bread and a salad of shredded fresh cucumber and fennel bulb, dressed with olive oil, lemon juice and Maldon salt.

Jacques Erasmus

Recipe by: Jacques Erasmus

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