
Organic pear and white hot chocolate

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5 minutes
10 minutes

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  • 1 cup Ayrshire organic full-cream milk
  • 2 pears, peeled and sliced
  • stalks and pips removed

  • 200 g organic white chocolate
  • 2 T honey (optional)
  • 1 extra pear thinly sliced, for garnishing
  • pear brandy or Cognac, for serving (optional)



Place the milk and sliced pear in a small saucepan. Simmer until the pear is soft then add the chocolate and stir through.
Pour into a liquidiser and blend until smooth and frothy. Add honey to taste if you like.
Serve warm garnished with the sliced pear. A dash of pear brandy or Cognac can be irresistible.

Per serving: 3283.8kJ, 9.9g protein, 37.3g fat, 114.8g carbs

Phillippa Cheifitz

Recipe by: Phillippa Cheifitz

Regular TASTE contributor Phillippa is a well-known South African author and food writer, and has won many awards, both for her magazine features and her cookbooks.

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