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  • 1 litre milk
  • 4 T semolina
  • 3 T cornflour
  • 1 x 385 g can condensed milk
  • 1 x 155 g can dessert cream
  • 1 t ground cardamom
  • desiccated coconut and ground cardamom, to garnish



1. Whisk together the milk, semolina and cornflour until smooth, then pour into a small saucepan. Place over a medium heat and bring to the boil, whisking continuously until it thickens, then remove from the heat.

2. Add the condensed milk, cream and cardamom to the boiling milk, whisk to combine.

3. Pour the mixture into the desired dish(es) and garnish with desiccated coconut and the cardamom. Allow to cool then chill for at least 4 hours before serving.

Find more Ramadan and Eid recipes here. 

Photograph: Toby Murphy
Production: Khanya Mzongwana

*Note: a previous version of this recipe was incorrectly labelled kheer.

Saadiyah Hendricks

Recipe by: Saadiyah Hendricks

Saadiyah is a full-time working mom of two girls with a deep passion for all things baking and food. She made her first pot of food at the age of 10 and, with a growing curiosity for experimenting with different bakes, flavours and dishes, started documenting her food journey and sharing recipes on her blog Sadie’s Bubble of Yum 10 years ago.

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