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  • ½ cabbage, sliced
  • 500 g cooked gammon, pulled
  • 200 g mature Cheddar, grated
  • 1 cup cornflakes
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • 2 free-range eggs
  • ½ cup milk



Preheat the oven to 180°C. Place the cabbage in a pan with 1 T water. Cover and steam over a low heat. Drain well.

Place the cabbage, gammon, cheese, cornflakes, salt and pepper in a bowl. Mix well. Beat the eggs and milk together and pour into the mixture. Mix well.

Spread into a greased ceramic dish you are happy to serve the pie in. Bake for 15 minutes, then turn on the grill. Cook until crispy and brown.

Cook's note: The best part of a gammon is, arguably, the leftovers. Try this gammon-and-cabbage pie recipe and we think you'll see why.

Find more ideas for your leftovers here.

Kayla-Ann Osborn

Recipe by: Kayla-Ann Osborn

She may only be 25 years old but Kayla-Ann has already made a name for herself as a chef to watch. Trained at the 1 000 Hills Chef School, she is a keen competitive cook, having won the regional finals of Unilever Junior Chef of the Year 2017, but says she’s happiest in the kitchen at The Chefs Table in Durban, creating plate after perfect plate.

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    Ella de Waal
    22 September 2020

    I am not too sure about the cornflakes in this recipe. Will it not make the dish sweet? What can I replace it with?

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