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  • 200 g white chocolate, melted
  • 250 g sugar
  • 2 T water
  • 2 cups popped popcorn
  • 100 g dark chocolate, melted
  • 1 l Woolworths Extremely Creamy Belgian chocolate ice cream
  • For the honeycomb shards:

  • 500 g sugar
  • 4 T water
  • 2 t bicarbonate of soda



Place the melted white chocolate in a piping bag fitted with a small nozzle. Print a template of any design you wish to make, such as a butterfly or a flower, and place it on a baking tray with a sheet of plastic or a clear silicone mat on top. Pipe the design with the melted chocolate, making sure the outlines are quite thick, then chill in the fridge or freezer until ready to use.

Melt the sugar in the water in a medium saucepan over a high heat until the sugar starts to caramelise. Swirl the saucepan once in a while to ensure even heat distribution.

Divide the popcorn into 2 batches, then pour the dark chocolate over 1 batch and the caramelised sugar over the other. Mix the batches separately with a wooden spoon to coat the popcorn in the chocolate and the sugar.

To assemble the cake, heat a clean dishcloth under running hot water, wrap around the tub, then mix the ice cream in the tub until the ice cream starts to come away from the sides. Tip the ice cream out onto a cake platter and carefully unmould. Decorate with the popcorn, white chocolate design and shards of honeycomb.

To make the honeycomb, melt the sugar and water in a saucepan over a high heat until the sugar has dissolved and starts to caramelise. Once the sugar is golden in colour, add the bicarbonate of soda and swirl the saucepan vigorously. It will start bubbling fiercely, so take care that it doesn’t burn. Pour onto a piece of greased baking paper and allow to cool. Break into shards.

Browse more ice cream recipes here.

Abigail Donnelly

Recipe by: Abigail Donnelly

Nothing excites Woolworths TASTE's Food Director quite as much as the challenge of dreaming up recipes with innovative new foods – or the thrill of creating deliciousness on a plate with the humblest of ingredients. With Abi by your side, you’ll be a cooking expert in no time at all.

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