Desserts & Baking

Curdle-proof custard

20 minutes
40 minutes

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  • 6 large free-range egg yolks
  • 60 g caster sugar
  • 2 t custard powder
  • 1 cup full-cream milk
  • 1 cup cream
  • 1 vanilla pod



1. Whisk the egg yolks, sugar and custard powder in a large bowl and set aside.
2. Pour the milk and cream into a heavy- based saucepan. Split the vanilla pod and scrape out the seeds. Add the seeds and pod to the mixture and bring to the boil, taking care not to burn the bottom of the saucepan.
3. Slowly whisk the hot milk mixture into the custard powder mixture, then pour into a clean pan. Bring to a simmer while whisking. Cook over a medium-low heat for 5–10 minutes, or until thickened, stirring continually and scraping the bottom and sides of the pan.

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Hannah Lewry

Recipe by: Hannah Lewry

Woolworths TASTE’s Food Editor is passionate about conjuring up fresh ideas for fast and easy dishes that taste as great as they look. Turn to her expertise for everything from time-saving mid-week food to lazy weekend meals. You’ll have a lot of fun in the kitchen while you’re about it.

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