Side Servings

Amasi cheese


This is so easy and a great way to use up that extra amasi in the fridge! Perfect on warm, buttery toast with a drizzle of honey.

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  • 2 litres full-cream amasi 
  • 1 t salt 



1. Pour the amasi into a jar and stir in the salt. Place a clean dish towel over a deep bowl or bucket and pour the salted amasi into the towel. Join the ends of the towel together and tie up tightly.
2. Use a wooden spoon to suspend the cloth over the bowl or bucket and allow the water (whey) in the amasi to drip out overnight. Untie the cloth to reveal a lovely soft cheese. Keep refrigerated until ready to use. The longer you hang the cheese, the firmer its texture will be.

Find more South African recipes here.

Photograph: Toby Murphy 

Khanya Mzongwana

Recipe by: Khanya Mzongwana

If you're anything like our deputy food editor Khanya Mzongwana, you're obsessed with uniqueness and food with feeling. Cook her family-tested favourites, midweek winners and her mouth-wateringly fresh takes on plant-based eating.

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