7 sweet tray bakes to occupy the kids during school holidays Entertaining children during school holidays is no mean feat, so we've rounded up some of...
Vegetarian recipe ideas for your next braai Whether you're the vegetarian hosting or attending the braai, you'll know that sometimes, the veggies...
5 comforting dishes with béchamel sauce When it comes to hardworking sauces, béchamel is one of the best there is. Adaptable,...
These 8 genius hacks will save you hours in the kitchen Pressed for time? We grilled some experts for their tips for cooking fast, tasty meals...
10 inspired takes on South African heritage desserts Not that we need an excuse to eat dessert, but to celebrate heritage month, we've...
Tacos, all day, everyday Move over Taco Tuesday, with this clever recipe, now you can have tacos every night...
Meet your new favourite kebabs Shake up your midweek routine with these easy-to-cook venison kebabs. Isn’t it great to know...
SPONSORED: 5-star local luxury at Last Word Kitara Last Word Kitara is a five-star luxury lodge that enjoys pride of place on the...
How my quest to make the perfect masala chai reconnected me to my heritage After years of buying chai lattes and ready-made syrups, Annzra Denita is on a mission...
SPONSORED: Your journey to culinary success starts with IHS Want to be a qualified chef? Maybe you just want to host the best dinner...
Ideas for breaking the fast on Yom Kippur Looking for some inspiration on how to break the fast for Yom Kippur? We've got...
SPONSORED: Take your baking to new heights with Eureka Mills products If you fell in love with making your own breads and baked goods during hard...