Explore Europe from the comfort of your own kitchen! Immerse yourself in European cuisines and delights with our round-up of European destinations and dishes....
10 quick loadshedding pasta recipes Quick! You have 45 minutes until the lights go out. Before you panic, scroll through...
These spicy chicken bites are the perfect snack Craving something spicy, cheesy and crispy? These crumbed chicken jalapeño triangles will hit the spot!...
2 easy seafood recipes in under 30 minutes A cheat's hake bouillabaisse that's good enough to be on any French bistro menu and...
8 budget cut recipes that you need to try PSA: Cutting down on costs doesn’t mean compromising on flavour! From a totally genius boerewors...
4 glorious avocado recipes we can’t get enough of It’s the most wonderful time of the year: avo season! Discover more delicious ways to...
This is how to take your soups to the next level! Elevate your favourite soups with toppings and dippers. This is more than just grilled cheese...
6 dombolo recipes to make your stews that much better this winter Local sure is lekker! Dombolo – soft, pilloughy dumplings – are a firm favourite across...
15 speedy stir-fry recipes for busy weeknights From classics like Kung pao chicken and pad Thai to favourites like teriyaki pork and...
The ultimate Eid menu by Zorah Booley-Samaai Creamy, rose-flavoured drinks for breakfast, semolina pudding for starters and prawn curry for mains? That’s...
Easy, midweek braai recipes Who says you can’t braai on a weeknight? Spring is here, the days are longer...
6 game-changing chocolate treats Just when you thought you'd seen all the chocolate treats you could imagine, our deputy...