Desserts & Baking

LemonGold® 3-ingredient gummies

Makes 20 to 24
10 minutes
3 minutes

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  • 2 x 10 g sachets gelatine powder
  • 1 cup water
  • 50 g sugar
  • ⅓ cup LemonGold® juice
  • caster sugar, for dusting
  • LemonGold® seedless lemon zest, for dusting



1 Bloom the gelatine in 2 T warm water.

2 Meanwhile, heat the remaining water and the sugar in a saucepan until dissolved. Allow to cool, then add the lemon juice and bloomed gelatine. Mix until well combined.

3 Pour the mixture into a silicon ice tray and chill until set. Once set, unmould the gummies using a spatula and roll in the caster sugar mixed with the lemon zest.

Jacqueline Burgess

Recipe by: Jacqueline Burgess

Food stylist Jacqueline Burgess has been working with TASTE for the past six years. She loves coming up with wholesome recipes – whether low and slow or fast 'n fresh.

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