Starters & Light meals

Corned beef stew

30 minutes

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  • 2 T rapeseed oil or sunflower oil
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 1 t extra-hot chilli powder
  • 1 t curry powder
  • 750 ml uncooked Chalé sauce
  • 350 g canned corned beef
  • 2 carrots, peeled (if not organic) and diced
  • 75 g peas
  • 4 soft-boiled eggs



1. Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based saucepan, add the onion and sauté over a medium heat along with the chilli powder and curry powder for a few minutes. Stir in the chalé sauce.

Find the recipe for chalé sauce here. 

2. Divide the corned beef into 4 equal pieces (which avoids arguments over portions later!), or break it up into the sauce, then add the carrots and peas. Leave to simmer for 15–20 minutes. You may find that the sauce starts to dry out, so add a little water if necessary.

3.Peel the boiled eggs and slice in half, then add them to the stew. Cook for a further 5 minutes.

4. Serve with boiled yams and plantain or rice – either way, it will vanish in no time!

Cook's note: This recipe brings back so many memories of childhood, mostly of the uncommon silence between my sister and me while we were chomping our way through it. It’s such simple and economical fare and yet so good for the soul! Don’t be put off by the idea of using canned corned beef – it’s a dish that has surprised a lot of people previously unacquainted with such pleasures. You can of course buy corned beef from the butcher, but the canned variety is just so handy. Mum also loved this one because it was dinner done and dusted in 20 minutes flat.

This is an extract from Zoe's Ghana Kitchen by Zoe Adjonyoh. It is published by Octopus Publishing Group.

Find more stew recipes here. 

Zoe Adjonyoh

Recipe by: Zoe Adjonyoh

Zoe Adjonyoh is a British writer and cook, founder of "Zoe's Ghana Kitchen", a Ghanaian pop-up restaurant brand, which is also the title of her debut cookbook.

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