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  • 2 slices sandwich loaf
  • About 2 t thick mayonnaise
  • About 1⁄2 t Dijon mustard
  • About 15 g prosciutto crudo or baked ham, thinly sliced
  • About 15 g Comté cheese, thinly sliced



Preheat the oven to 220 ̊C.

Line a baking tray with baking paper. Spread one slice of bread with mayonnaise and place on the tray with the mayo side down. Spread the top with mayo and mustard. Top with ham and cheese.

Spread the second slice with mayo and mustard, and place on top of the ham and cheese. Spread the top with mayo.

Bake for 10 minutes or until golden.

Cook's note: You could make one or two toasted sandwiches, but why not fill an entire tray to feed the family.

Browse more sandwich recipes here.

Phillippa Cheifitz

Recipe by: Phillippa Cheifitz

Regular TASTE contributor Phillippa is a well-known South African author and food writer, and has won many awards, both for her magazine features and her cookbooks.

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