Desserts & Baking

Coconut meringue trifle

30 minutes
1 hour

“Coconut, white chocolate, meringue, litchis and lime mousse all come together in a trifle unlike any you’ve ever served before.”- Abigail Donnelly

Wine/Spirit Pairing
Woolworths Chiaro Prosecco

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  • 4 free-range egg whites, at room temperature
  • 200 g caster sugar
  • 2 cups long-life cream, chilled
  • 1 x 400 ml can coconut cream
  • 200 g Woolworths white chocolate drops, melted and slightly cooled
  • 1 T lime zest
  • 12 litchis, stoned
  • 400 g Woolworths white pearl strawberries



1. Preheat the oven to 120°C. Place the egg whites in the bowl of a stand mixer and beat until foamy. Gradually beat in the caster sugar until the egg whites are stiff and glossy.

2. Spoon dollops of about 2 T onto a tray lined with a silicone baking mat or greaseproof paper. Bake for 1 hour. Cool and store in an airtight container.

3. Whisk the cream and coconut cream until thick, then whisk in the chocolate and lime zest.

4. To serve, spoon the coconut mixture into a bowl, then top with the litchis and meringues.

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Photograph: Myburgh Du Plessis
Production: Abigail Donnelly 
Food assistants: Emma Nkunzana and Terry Donnelly

Abigail Donnelly

Recipe by: Abigail Donnelly

Nothing excites Woolworths TASTE's Food Director quite as much as the challenge of dreaming up recipes with innovative new foods – or the thrill of creating deliciousness on a plate with the humblest of ingredients. With Abi by your side, you’ll be a cooking expert in no time at all.

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